Special Education Services Questionnaire |
Student Name:
1. Have you ever attended an I.L.P.C. (Individualized Learning Planning Committee) meeting where your child’s eligibility for Special Education was discussed?
If YES, where and when:
2. Is your child currently enrolled in Special Education or has s/he received special education services in the past?
If YES, please describe the serviced received (e.g. resource room, speech, etc):
3. Did your child receive any other special services, such as social work referrals to other sources, counseling, tutoring, etc.?
If YES, please explain:
4. If your child has been a part of a Special Education program, do you have a copy of your child’s current I.L.P. (Individualized Learning Plan)?
If NO, please obtain and provide the I.L.P. to the school before the first day of school.
5. Do you feel your child is a candidate for Special Services?
If YES, please explain:
6.Have you ever had discussions with any school personnel regarding your child being tested for academic, behavior, or emotional concerns?
If YES, what was their position:
7. When is the best time to contact you by phone?
At what phone number can you be reached?